A quick look at my little world.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Looking back - looking forward

This past week - Went with our Primetimers (seniors) to Pigeon Forge Tuesday - Thursday. Had a blast. They pulled me up on the stage for a stunt at the "Hoot-N-Holler" - that was a trip. Friday and Saturday I was playing some real catch up in the office (bulletin, SongShow - including the pastor's notes for AM and PM services, my youth message, etc.).

Sunday - we had a good number in Kids Zone, they are really growing. Our new Sunday School Class is doing well - HomeBuilders. We went out to lunch with Chris and Denise, to Ruby Tuesdays. I got the Bison Burger and a salad. Pretty good. Great fellowship with great friends.

Today - stayed home to work on bills (ug). I met Chris (yp at Wilson P&W) for lunch then hung out at Saxon's office (yp at FHCOG).

Tonight - watched MNF! I won week 3 in my Fantasy Football League! ROCK ON BABY!

Looking Forward:

I'll have a tough week. We have a WAYnet Student event Wednesday night and SYATP that morning. I also have my regular stuff to do while looking to improving what is going on at Shiloh.

QUESTION: Do you give yourself a rigid schedule? I try to have a "to do" list, but they gets all goofed up as the week goes on. I've got some projects that I'd like to work on, but I have so many other things to do... first. I get frustrated. I want to work on our "first impressions" team (we don't really have one - we have greeters), a program to help folks share their faith, BE a youth pastor (and children too), and ... Get the picture?

Got any advice?


Rick Womack said...

there will ALWAYS be one more thing to do...not to sound trite, but following the Holy Spirit is key...found out what His priorities are, then move. good to hear that in all your chaos your making time for family, friends, and bison burgers! seriously, you know this, you've got to have time to do stuff you don't HAVE TO DO.


Hi Jeff, this is Jeff...Smith! I am also a youth pastor, WOW. Now i know that there are a bunch of Jeff Smith's, but two of us as youth pastore?!? Pretty cool, I think!

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.