A quick look at my little world.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Been a while... again... but hey

Well, it has been a while ... again. I've gotten a bit side-tracked and BUSY! Seems like life is moving a bit too fast and then in the evening I don't feel like blogging. But, I think I'm back. This is fun - even though I don't get many comments.

Let's see, catch-up... We are having a baptism service next week. I will be baptising several students. That is one of the big thrills in my ministry - one of them will be my very own daughter. That will be cool.

Last weekend was great! We had a church family day - great food, fellowship and lots of fun. We rented a moon bounce with a slide (yes I got on it - maybe pics later). We also had Whittle-Do join us for a couple of hours - he is a clown, our national children's evangelist. I also had him at church Sunday AM in Kids Zone and Sunday PM in the sanctuary. Fun stuff!

Well its late... or early, depending on the way you look at it. Anyway, I'm sleepy.

Here is the BIG QUESTION - what is the best way to communicate to students? Interactive preaching? Discussion? Object lessons? Some hybrid of all three? I'm struggling with that question. I want to be effective and relevant. Right now I've been using the discussion method - not really my strong point, but I'm getting better. The last two youth services have centered around a video clip (one from "The Day After" movie and one from "Smallville" TV series) and one specific point. Then we work through that point, first broadly, then more specifically. Finally we end up with personal application. OK - was there a question in there really? Just trying to continually improve my methods of communication WITHOUT compromising the message.

Check back later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back........just discovered the blog

Larry M